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Minimum Spanning Tree

Weighted GraphBefore we get into Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), let’s get to know what is a weighted graph: A weighted graph is a graph model where we associate weights (or costs) with each edge. That is, for each edge e, it has a numeric label associate with it, denote as w(e). That we will look at algorithms for solving three general problems of weighte..

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Human-Computer-Interaction Summary 1

In the Human-Centered design processAfter understanding and specify context of use, the specify user requirements: Functional requirements (what the interface will do) Non-functional requirements (constraints) What is a requirement? A statement about an intended product that specifies what it is expected to do or how it will perform it. Examples: For a ..

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Transitive Closure and Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm

Transitive ClosureTransitive closure refers to a concept used in graph theory and relations, specifically in directed graphs. It represents the complete set of nodes or elements that can be reached from a given node through a chain of directed edges or relations. In simpler terms, it tells us all the possible destinations we can reach from a starting poin..

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DAGs and Topological Sorting

DAGA Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a type of graph structure composed of a set of nodes and a set of directed edges, where each edge has a direction, pointing from one node to another, and the graph does not contain any cycles (meaning you cannot start at one node and follow directed edges to return to the same node). Therefore, a DAG is a directed grap..

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